Cunning Stunt Map 1.0
this was my first map so sorry for bugs :D
Working great ! if you need any screenshots or videos you can tell me. Take a look here :
I have one problem there a wall before and after speed boosters !
@Ultras1919 A better map is realsing soon and im after a video maker for my second map
je vais poster une video et tres bon travaille ! ;)
@Greygooz Thx this is my first map i made a second one waiting approval will be up later
Nice! Can the ai race on this?
Beautiful , although there are some of little things to fix.
agreed I would make a good video works too :)
I made 2 more maps coming later after approval :D
@bloodykills I dont know sorry
Would Make A v2 But Im working on new maps :--D
@Greygooz JESUS u are pro xD
@Greygooz Yo i was wondering if you could make a video for my next 2 maps coming soon ? Would be A real help thx for the video :D
no cares told me when you rely one and I would do a video;) !!!
ok thx dude
ok. thanks.
didnt work for me.. when i use menyoo.. it say loaded map but i cant see those...
@deroman u loaded it with map editor then clicked menyoo
i also have obstacles before and after boosters