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  • Franklin

    @raft342 omg it already had that function. sorry for not knowing properly

    30 April, 2024
  • Franklin

    @rafk342 What I was trying to say was that it would be nice to read the visualsettings.dat file and apply the settings in the file thankyou

    30 April, 2024
  • Franklin

    Please add the ability to read Visualsettings.dat and apply it to the game! Additionally, please change automatically overriding the weather to a button.

    23 April, 2024
  • Franklin

    사용한 폰트가 뭔가요? 특히 일시 정지 메뉴 위에 있는 Grand Theft Auto '온라인' 부분이 글자 높이가 딱 맞아서 얘는 꼭 알고싶네요

    30 Disember, 2023