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    Can't believe you actually released this for all of us! My jaw dropped when I saw it in Discord. Congrats and thank you!

    20 Febuari, 2025
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    Haha, this looks dope, man!Thanks for sharing it, I'll probably give it a try one of those days.

    01 Disember, 2024
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    Man, I can't believe you're still doing these cars! They look absolutely AMAZING. Happy to see that you're still around!

    18 September, 2024
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    @NotThatGuyYT Open up the menu (edit the .ini and pick a key on which you want it to open, I use F6 for example) and you'll have in the menu the option to decide where the purge takes place.
    @testsubject9299: You do have the option to disable the sound right there in the mod's menu.

    Mod is still working as it did the very first day I got it over two years ago. Thanks for creating it, man!
    For those who have issues with it, you'll need the latest ScriptHookV because it crashed on the newest GTA V Update.

    31 Ogos, 2024
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    Wow. I risked and downloaded this preset. For the last few days I've been searching for good presets as I was unable to tweak a good one around. I gave this a try and this is stunning for taking certain type of photographs. I also copied your ENB settings for a default enb (or a custom one). I only got to test it super shortly and took 4 different pics in different weather (and just one in a different time, the sunset one):

    Rain appears in all of them because I didn't change the weather before jumping into Rockstar Editor and I used Menyoo to quickly go through different weathers. I have some AA problems because I use the Upscaler and I don't have RTGI properly set up.

    Great looking stuff, man. Thanks for sharing it for free!

    17 Ogos, 2024
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    @Mr_Zarratox I wholeheartedly agree. It's also about preserving those assets. Discord servers come and go very often, but I would rather have a database like Gta5-Mods to store everything here. Nevertheless, I appreciate that 3dsami still uploads stuff here. Many other creators pulled everything they did from the website and exclusively put them up on their Discords. Sometimes even paylocking the content that was previously free (and I agree that mod creators should be supported, I have nothing against that).

    15 Ogos, 2024
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    Man you're one of the best contributors, thanks a ton for the new animations! <3

    10 Ogos, 2024
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    Just used those for a future video I'm planning to make and I must say, I was really pleasantly surprised with their quality. I really like the fact that they don't just freeze in place like other poses. The character feels so much more alive when you can see them breathing and moving a little bit while holding the pose. That's what makes them, from my point of view, superior to other poses. Really fantastic job, I can't wait to see what else you'll bring in the future, especially now since you've got into blender as well!

    05 Febuari, 2024
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    @justalemon Thank you so much, chief. I'll do just that.

    01 Julai, 2023
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    @justalemon Can I install it while I have NativeUI still installed too? Would they interfere in bad ways one with another?

    30 Jun, 2023