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Sur ton nouveau modele de "criminel" les phares avant et arrières ne sont pas très bien réalisés, il bug un peu. Pareil pour la plaque, on a soit un modèles avec la plaques mais sans le porte-plaque, ou un modèles sans la plaque mais avec le porte-plaque ou encore rien du tout c'est dommage...
pareil pour le los santos customs on a vraiment pas assez d'options pour me modifier mais mise a part ça il est vraiment propre ! beau boulot
putain la vie bouger vous les admins
And yesterday the addon work perfectly
Hey, i dont understand your addon crash my game, i have a gameconfig and your others addon work great, can you help me?
@HeySlickThatsMe I have used the DLC of RkrdM but i don't what happen because before the new DLC of Rockstar my games work without problem with the dlclist.xml
@HeySlickThatsMe My games is updated with the new dlc and the script hook too...
What gameconfig.xml? Before the new update my vehiucles work perfect and sorry for my eenglish i don't undersant all
@_CP_ It's not working for me the game crash always at the loeading screens when i modified the dlclist.xml :(
@_CP_ Where i put this?
@Dawis67 How to do for play with our vehiucles?! :(
@_CP_ Can you help me?
Hey i've a problem when i start the game with the origin dlclist.xml it's working ( So i don't have my vehicules ) But when i start the game with the modified dlclist.xml ( with my vehicules ) the game crash...