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@Shadow 0f Raven Special Godmode.
I hope this gets updated... Last time I tried it, my game froze on the camera view inside a bank, I could pause and I heard everything but other than that, all froze lol.
Thanks! Another very much needed mod for my realism pack :P THANK YOU AGAIN!
Y-E-S!! Thank you!
This combined with hardcore health, realistic damage and large spread = PERFECTÒ!
@shadow85 No, in Refined weapons mod I saw nearly no change in recoil, which was disappointing. So that's why I edited it myself, along with some other changes like damage and such.
@Saka @MaximoAutismo @shadow85
I'm not 100% sure anymore which mods I have, since it's a long time since I modded my game, but here's a small list:
- Crime & Police Rebalance & Enhancement
- Anti pickup
- Arma Series Weapon Sound 0.38
- !Refined Weapons and Gameplay
- Realistic HD weapon mods (handpicked)
Crosshair removal comes with !Refined, with the option "NO RETICULE".
@Hystery I'm tired so I think I wrote that pretty badly... What I mean is that the ped weapon stats come from the mentioned mods, not as much from my weapons.meta. I also use "hardcore health", which deals the same damage to the player as to peds. (If you're interested into that too, I highly recommend to get full health & armour refill mod, which refills HP and armour to maximum but very slowly)
@Hystery When I come to think about it, I think it does. But they won't be too easy of course. But mostly the ped stats come from pedaccuracy.meta and such files, which I got from "!Refined Weapons and Gameplay" and "Crime and Police Rebalance & Enhancement v1.401" mods. I recommend using both of those (first install Refined W & G and then Crime n Police Rebal & Enhance) under my weapons.meta
@bakamania To be honest, I didn't. I just got fed up after installing a shitload of mods and started modding the weapons.meta myself. My guess is, you should open it up in textpad and check it out, Ctrl+F and use some clever guesses which the line could have to find it. That's how I remove helicopters from realistic police callout and stuff :P
@Element2586 Exactly, it's just way too easy lol. I recommend using this with no crosshair mod, makes it actually pretty challenging. :P
@aZiMute @HeySlickThatsMe lolol yah HD 4K lvl1080