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    Is it a way to fix the menyoo error? Or is it possible to fix?

    25 Ogos, 2019
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    I use simple trainer. But whit menyoo crashes. Only whit player Niko, not whit player luis

    04 Januari, 2019
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    No no no, amigo. He's name isn't tempenny. He's name is Tempene :)

    31 Disember, 2018
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    Hi, I have a problem whit the Niko mod.
    When I go in-game and select Niko (PD: I have Packfile Limit Adjuster by Unknown Modder!) it crashes. But when I play whit Luis mod, it doesn't crash and loads it. Why Niko doesn't load? It's because menyoo or the new update of Niko mod?

    31 Disember, 2018
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    @TayMcKenzie Thanks for the information :D

    13 Oktober, 2018
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    And you're going to add some new features? Ad what about the menyoo problem, it will be fix?

    07 Oktober, 2018
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    I have a question of this mod and it's about GTA 5 from ps3... For being more especific, If I remplace niko model for this one it would work or it won't?

    06 Oktober, 2018
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    Hello, I have installed the mod (mp_m_niko_01) but then there is the mp_m_niko_01_p file. Where do I put it?
    And also one thing. If you trust and strive, you will get the love of your life back, do not give up. I know you can :D

    28 Febuari, 2018
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    Hello, I would like (with your permission) to make a modification of the mod that replaces the Niko of GTA5 for your mod. Thanks for your time :D

    13 Disember, 2017
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    Hi,theNGclan. I love the mod, but when I install it in my (GTAV / Mods) the game does not start, infinite loading screen ... Could you fix that problem or do it in OIV conversion?

    11 Disember, 2017