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@BabiHalal Should yes, if install those mods afterwards
@giorgioneko Hmmmm you need to delete vehicles.meta, carcols, handling.... and another maybe popcycle , or popsomething.. sorry I dont remember all files which refer to them. The pop ones are for traffic choices, the rest you probably guess.
@lxjo I'm sorry, I've never seen this error. Is this the only mod you installed?
To uninstall , if you didn't use "mods" folder (always use) then you can probably verify game files to replace the modded files with originals
@Red_Alien you mean, without change to which vehicles spawn in traffic?
that file is.... popgroups.ymt I think. I maybe made new groups referred to in other files though, so I'm not sure if you can remove that part without breaking the game. You'd maybe have to remove popcycle, pedgroups, peds, not sure what tbh, that's best I can remember sorry
PRO TIP: Open menu and go Features and disable everything, then this mod almost works.. just buggy if you trying to redline in gear 1 or 2 for some reason
BIG ASK: Anyone got the previous version .exe that can share?? I'm done with RGSC and updates, gonna find a way to freeze the install forever smh, with working mods......
Pleeease update
GOD I hate R* lol. Take your updates and shove em, nobody wants to play your crappy GTAO. Leave our game alone T_T
Fun vehicle suggestions when using this mod would include sanchez, manchez, bati801, doubleT, hydra, comet, comet7 (s2 cabrio), sentinel, carbonizare, schafter, jester2
@YHWHDios To make faster/more police dispatch, decrease these numbers:
<SLOW value="75.0"/>
<MEDIUM value="45.0"/>
<FAST value="20.0"/>
<SLOW value="90.0"/>
<MEDIUM value="60.0"/>
<FAST value="30.0"/>
@EQUINOX1000 visualsettings.dat
@Keshin Did you push up Options > Display > Brightness ingame?