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Latest fully working client and server!!!!!!
DEVELOPERS PLEASE UPDATE THIS!!! We are dying 4 this! We need COP npc syncing better too..sometimes a client can't hit cops spawned by other players Wanted level.
This works for me technically, BUT this version does not allow you to start a sever while playing like the previous versions do.
Can't reach Bluescream on github so yea...pretty stuck here like everyone else.
This works better but it's v.9.3 and pain as google drive thinks it's a virus, so you have to add it to your google drive, make a copy, and then download.
Another alternative that may be even worse (haven't tried yet) is this v .9.4 https://github.com/GTACoop/GTACoop/releases
sad this mod isn't the top mod as singleplayer is WAY better than gta online and coop singleplayer missions would be AMAZING.