Now for something a little random. I bring you.. Tornado Script. A script that brings a whole new element to stormy weather in GTA V.
With this script installed, it brings the possibility that a violent tornado will spawn in when the weather turns bad.
Tornados can be set to appear naturally during thunderstorms or spawned at your command using a specified keybind.
The INI config file gives you the option to adjust these settings.
Default activation key is the F6 key (heh)
Keep in mind that this script does not come without a hit to framerate.
It has yet to be tested on low- end machines, but I think its fair to assume that any especially low- end hardware may have issues running this.
The single most important thing you can do to alleviate this is reducing the particle quality to low using the settings menu in -game
If you have any ideas for what you want to see with this mod, please post it below. Thanks (:
Additional Requirements
Key Binds
T - Open Console
Tips for Improving Performance
v1.3 (beta) Semi- Big Update
Source Code: Github
Now for something a little random. I bring you.. Tornado Script. A script that brings a whole new element to stormy weather in GTA V.
With this script installed, it brings the possibility that a violent tornado will spawn in when the weather turns bad.
Tornados can be set to appear naturally during thunderstorms or spawned at your command using a specified keybind.
The INI config file gives you the option to adjust these settings.
Default activation key is the F6 key (heh)
Keep in mind that this script does not come without a hit to framerate.
It has yet to be tested on low- end machines, but I think its fair to assume that any especially low- end hardware may have issues running this.
The single most important thing you can do to alleviate this is reducing the particle quality to low using the settings menu in -game
If you have any ideas for what you want to see with this mod, please post it below. Thanks (:
Additional Requirements
- NET Framework >= 4.6.2
- ScriptHookV
- ScriptHook V .NET
- Create a folder called "scripts" in the main folder where GTA is installed
- Place all included files in the folder
Key Binds
T - Open Console
Tips for Improving Performance
- Set particle quality to low in graphics settings
- Run the game at a lower resolution
- Adjust variables in the INI file such as "
MaxParticleLayers" and "ParticlesPerLayer" - Adjust variables in the INI file called "ParticleAsset" and "ParticleName" (VortexAdvanced) to override with a (custom) less intense particle
- Reduced download size
- Re- added tornado "cloud top" effect
- Added (experimental) debris spawning system
- Increased the minimum distance to player when spawning during a thunderstorm
v1.3 (beta) Semi- Big Update
- Re- implemented the code for collecting entities, making for some nice performance improvements
- Added tornado siren and ambient sound effects that change dynamically based on the tornado strength and position
- Added dynamic detection of materials/ surfaces, allowing the tornado to take on the color of whatever material it is travelling over. Sand, dirt and pavement are currently recognized
- Tornadoes now have a random lifespan, making it possible for a thunderstorm to spawn multiple tornadoes in a realistic way
- Peds are now more reactive when seeing the tornado and will run for their lives (still perfecting this one)
- Additional changes to spawning and path-finding related code. The tornado should now avoid high elevations and stick closer to roads and open flat areas
- Improved framerate by 200%
- Tornado no longer follows the player
- Reduced vertical force scale for player entities
- Added an optional "cloud-top" effect that can be enabled via the config file
- Adjusted default "ParticlesPerLayer" from 9 to 10
- Support game patch 1.0.1365.1
- Added a ton more configurable options to the config file
- Added an in-game console to change properties of the tornado in real-time
- Fixes crashing issues related to the parsing of numbers in the config file
- Essentially rebuilt the entire mod from the ground up to favor performance. Although, the particles themselves remain quite a FPS- killer.
- Added realistic vortex physics (Much more like a real tornado)
- Added tweak-able options to the config file that allow customization of the tornado behavior.
- Removed the tornado sound (for now) since it was causing a bug for quite a few people. I plan to add this back at another time.
- Fix for HUD disappearing.
- Added some sound FX.
Source Code: Github
Pertama dimuat naik: 24 Mei, 2016
Tarikh Kemaskini: 20 September, 2018
Last Downloaded: 14 minit yang lalu
797 Komen
More mods by CamxxCore:
Now for something a little random. I bring you.. Tornado Script. A script that brings a whole new element to stormy weather in GTA V.
With this script installed, it brings the possibility that a violent tornado will spawn in when the weather turns bad.
Tornados can be set to appear naturally during thunderstorms or spawned at your command using a specified keybind.
The INI config file gives you the option to adjust these settings.
Default activation key is the F6 key (heh)
Keep in mind that this script does not come without a hit to framerate.
It has yet to be tested on low- end machines, but I think its fair to assume that any especially low- end hardware may have issues running this.
The single most important thing you can do to alleviate this is reducing the particle quality to low using the settings menu in -game
If you have any ideas for what you want to see with this mod, please post it below. Thanks (:
Additional Requirements
Key Binds
T - Open Console
Tips for Improving Performance
v1.3 (beta) Semi- Big Update
Source Code: Github
Now for something a little random. I bring you.. Tornado Script. A script that brings a whole new element to stormy weather in GTA V.
With this script installed, it brings the possibility that a violent tornado will spawn in when the weather turns bad.
Tornados can be set to appear naturally during thunderstorms or spawned at your command using a specified keybind.
The INI config file gives you the option to adjust these settings.
Default activation key is the F6 key (heh)
Keep in mind that this script does not come without a hit to framerate.
It has yet to be tested on low- end machines, but I think its fair to assume that any especially low- end hardware may have issues running this.
The single most important thing you can do to alleviate this is reducing the particle quality to low using the settings menu in -game
If you have any ideas for what you want to see with this mod, please post it below. Thanks (:
Additional Requirements
- NET Framework >= 4.6.2
- ScriptHookV
- ScriptHook V .NET
- Create a folder called "scripts" in the main folder where GTA is installed
- Place all included files in the folder
Key Binds
T - Open Console
Tips for Improving Performance
- Set particle quality to low in graphics settings
- Run the game at a lower resolution
- Adjust variables in the INI file such as "
MaxParticleLayers" and "ParticlesPerLayer" - Adjust variables in the INI file called "ParticleAsset" and "ParticleName" (VortexAdvanced) to override with a (custom) less intense particle
- Reduced download size
- Re- added tornado "cloud top" effect
- Added (experimental) debris spawning system
- Increased the minimum distance to player when spawning during a thunderstorm
v1.3 (beta) Semi- Big Update
- Re- implemented the code for collecting entities, making for some nice performance improvements
- Added tornado siren and ambient sound effects that change dynamically based on the tornado strength and position
- Added dynamic detection of materials/ surfaces, allowing the tornado to take on the color of whatever material it is travelling over. Sand, dirt and pavement are currently recognized
- Tornadoes now have a random lifespan, making it possible for a thunderstorm to spawn multiple tornadoes in a realistic way
- Peds are now more reactive when seeing the tornado and will run for their lives (still perfecting this one)
- Additional changes to spawning and path-finding related code. The tornado should now avoid high elevations and stick closer to roads and open flat areas
- Improved framerate by 200%
- Tornado no longer follows the player
- Reduced vertical force scale for player entities
- Added an optional "cloud-top" effect that can be enabled via the config file
- Adjusted default "ParticlesPerLayer" from 9 to 10
- Support game patch 1.0.1365.1
- Added a ton more configurable options to the config file
- Added an in-game console to change properties of the tornado in real-time
- Fixes crashing issues related to the parsing of numbers in the config file
- Essentially rebuilt the entire mod from the ground up to favor performance. Although, the particles themselves remain quite a FPS- killer.
- Added realistic vortex physics (Much more like a real tornado)
- Added tweak-able options to the config file that allow customization of the tornado behavior.
- Removed the tornado sound (for now) since it was causing a bug for quite a few people. I plan to add this back at another time.
- Fix for HUD disappearing.
- Added some sound FX.
Source Code: Github
Pertama dimuat naik: 24 Mei, 2016
Tarikh Kemaskini: 20 September, 2018
Last Downloaded: 14 minit yang lalu
Play around with settings to cut drag without losing my resolution and finally have it set to a good spot. [VortexAdvanced]
; Advanced settings for the tornado vortex -->
MaxParticleLayers = 10
; Max vertical particle layers in the vortex (effectivley 'vortex height').
; Adjusting this (lower) may provide performance improvements on lower- end machines.
ParticlesPerLayer = 7
; Max particles that will be instantiated around the circumference of the vortex.
; The default value is recommended, but this may also be adjusted in the interest of improving performance.
LayerSeperationAmount = 24.0
; The distance between individual layers in the vortex.
; Basically adjusts the amount of 'clipping' that occurs between particles vertically in the vortex.
; Particles that clip into eachother seem to affect performance, so adjusting this (larger) could potentially help.
MultiVortexEnabled = false
; Allows spawning multiple tornadoes.
CloudTopEnabled = false
; Simulates a cloud type effect around the tornado
CloudTopDebrisEnabled = true
; Adds a debris effect to the top portion of the tornado
ParticleMod = true
; Patches some stuff at runtime to change the particles to a more realistic color. Disable this if you experience
; compatibility issues with this mod and newer game updates.
SurfaceDetectionEnabled = true
; Enable dynamic detection of materials/ surfaces, blending the color of the tornado with the environment
UseInternalPool = true
; Grabs entities from the games internal pool and slows down the "full" processing of entities to once every 6 sec v.s. the usual 2 sec
; Enabled by default to aid performance
; Other customizations -->
Notifications = true
; Notify on spawning a tornado
SpawnInStorm = true
; Spawn in a tornado when a thunderstorm is occuring
; Enable an in-game console to change settings in real- time
EnableConsole = true
; Enable SFX for more immersion. NOTE: There are issues in .NET framework that cause significant lag when registering handlers for "window focus" events.
; The mod must use these APIs to ensure sound does not play when the GTA V window loses focus, meaning you may experience lag when loading or reloading scripts with this option enabled.
EnableSound = true
; Plays a siren to warn of an imminent tornado when SpawnInStorm = true
EnableSiren = true
I will try to set all back to default next but I found the over head cloud to be the biggest cause of lag. Great mod by the way...
Got it to work. You need to download the .NET Developer Pack which can be found here; ( https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/net462 )
For anyone having issues with disabling the sounds, I've found custom silent audio files that you place in ' scripts > TornadoScript > sounds ', they can be found here ( https://pastebin.com/3BWH1Vce ) ( Won't let me post the direct link )
its lagging
is there a way to change the sirens
@tornadoguy21 use custom sound to replace the one in the folder
Hey @CamxxCore, I know this is a stupid question, but can you add tornadoes following players as an option? It would be kind of fun.
@Jonathaneskildse where can i find them
Why is there a "Tornado Script Console" binded to my T key? You can type in console as well providing timestamps for things I am typing out, which I am finding strange as I have zero use for this console.
Disregard, did not see the console key at bottom of config, figured it would be at the top of the ini file.
how do i turn the sound off? its on constantly even though no tornado??
Needs an option to set how long the tornado should last. Very fps heavy.
@WayBak Beaucoup trop en effet 🤦♂️
A useful note ...
If GTA Online gives you an error when launching, you need to remove the file (dinput8.dll) from the main directory found in (D:\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V). Once you are done with GTA Online please replace the file via (http://www.dev-c.com/gtav/scripthookv/)">http://www.dev-c.com/gtav/scripthookv/) download file (dinput8.dll)
If the GTA Tornado Mod will not launch by pressing F6, please close the game and install the file via http://www.dev-c.com/gtav/scripthookv/ download file (dinput8.dll) to the main directory found in (D:\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V)
F4 opens console
F6 spawns a tornado
T opens tornado console
Set weather to thunder to set off tornado siren and spawn a tornado!
Nice mod and all, but WHEN does the tornado end and How Do I end it?
not working anymore on latest scripthook and lua
It works, but it lowers fps
This is a great script, but the two things I would beg for you to add is,
1) make it so the tornado has it's own many paths that it takes, whether that ranges from 1-10 paths or whatever. It's not realistic when it keeps following you through the map.
2) make it a choice where it can be set to be able to spawn in a certain amount of thunder storms, not all of them. Maybe have something in the ini file where theres a choice to spawn it in every other thunderstorm or a certain amount of numers it will spawn in, like the 5th or 10th one.
Lastly, have there me a time limit of how long it'll last on the grown, which a person can change that amount of time in the ini file also.
I believe if those 3 suggesting would become reality, this tornado mod would really kick some a**!!!!!
Sorry for the typos. Should had sent it after I made sure.
Dont work, when open F4 console shows error
Why I cant see it in Rockstar Editor?