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Hey will installing this affect the gun sound mods that I have installed?
@Needle Are this and your Multipack of GTA: San Andreas compatible together?
@Tank Guy Is this ok for the latest update?
@IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Alamo Sea by the looks of it
@Eyon its America though
@Jridah Can i install all the guns or do i have to pick and choose. I mean the files dont overlap?
Do I use this with Jridah's Weapon Pack Vol. III? or is it a update of that
@mush75 GTA 5 > mods > x64 > audio > sfx > resident.rpf ( drop weapons.awc here)
mods > x64 > audio > sfx > weapons_player.rpf(drop all other files here)
@DannyGTAKing Jordans menu ey? :DD
@Gregor Schill lol he does have the tampa on the screenshot