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@lucasvinbr me likey! :)
no if you delete all the turf data none of the zones will be marked as takeable or you even make it not function properly
if you want to empty out all turfs go into the turfzonedata.xml and change <ownerGangName>example-gang-name</ownerGangName> to <ownerGangName></ownerGangName>
but for every turfzone so so about 80 times
not sure what you mean by memberpool? cause usually you start with a blank pool for your gang and have to add them with shift+b and add member
you also can remove the actor there from the gang
just open the modoptions.xml with a texteditor and scroll down till you see <buyableWeapons>
there will be a list of all buyable weapons, though this would also apply for your own gang
this won't apply for gangs that already have that weapon unlocked, to remove that you have to edit GangData.xml
just search for <gangWeaponHashes> there should be one for each existing gang, including yours
I used this zones map to find all the small ones
the prologue and the Brads grave missions have two zones that are not even on that map (and you never can fight for them either). they also have no name and are in the pastebin with level 100
cassidy crrek is missing I think not sure though
you were missing :
- land act reservoir (at the dam there)
-califia bridge
-stab city
-braddock pass
-braddock tunnel (at braddock pass)
-pacific ocean (not sure if you want that cause its all ocean haha
- the other ocean (I forgot name and cant look up right now)
-paleto cove
but I am glad you made the options to add them ingame
and yes after you conquered the undynamic turfs they become attackable by other gangs
also another suggestion for even later updates hehe
you have the police rating in a turf and in a maxed turf I do like that in general
but maybe make it dependable on which turfs you own?
controllilng fort zancudo = max 4 stars
controlling f.z. AND NOOSE = max 3 stars
and finding all turfs with police stations I think there are around 8 police stations and based on how many you control ... the more reduced stars?
so when you controll at least 3 police stations and noose and fort you can max reach 2 stars
with 6 and ... and.... 1 star
with 8 and ... and ... 0 stars
this would it just make a bit more lore-friendlier
and you could keep your current system just make it switchable
original police-stars setting , immersive police-stars setting
I really enjoy and love your mod, though I have some suggestions
first you are missing several turfs (not marked as takeable yet) on purpose or not I would love to have a full map turf-file in the download as an alternative , so two versions one normal one fullmap
another suggestion would be to make the turfs itself more customizable and maybe even not from the game within but just by editing the turffile
worth-modifier: that will modify the reward (not all turfs should produce the exact same, desert 0.4 - downtown 1.2
strength-modifier: a gang should have more presence in suburban and less presence in rural areas
no-fly-zone: not sure if you can do that but after taking over fort zancudo and the golf club maybe turn it off
not-dynamic: making turfs not dynamic means other gangs except player cannot take over
this way you can make a military gang called U.S.Army in fort zancudo that will have a high strengh and high reward will not be dnymic. After finally taking over the player also could fly over it without being shot down.
even if you don't want to make all that lore-friendly/rpg turf file, I am sure several people will do that if oyu give them the ability to customize the turfs too
another option in gang file could be max level for that specific gang
as I don't see methheads being able to reach a higher level than the military and no Trevor does not count
thanks for the mod :)
I would love if you would put removal like XLVii suggested and I even top his request
first button adds ALL weapons
second button removes ALL weapons
third button first removes ALL weapons then adds the chosen/listed weapons
and only the third button/function would have the options like on startup/switch
the reason behind this: weapons clutter my arsenal.. swtiching through 8 pistols and one smg to get to stun gun while driving for example really annoys me...
so you would be able to have your normal effective fighting/playing gear... and then hanging out and doing batsh** crazy stuff one ...like fireworklauncher vs airplane
I know there are mods like Pickups especially for that case. your mod would just be a way quicker and even cleaner way(less game file modding)
you will get the 5 stars then of course - right now I don't particulary would use your mod but it has potential to become one of the most usefull mods and not complicated mods ever
great mod - love it!!
buuuuut I still want to ask a favor ;) could you add few more functions to the hotkey menu?
I would love to have TimeWhileAiming to 0.5 on one hotkey and TimeWhileAiming to 1.0 on anotther, and if you do that then 0.1 and 0.75 aswell
thanks :)
Great work thank you a lot
just one tiny request :
just doing the epsilon missions, could you maybe just add the Kifflom/epsilon/babyblue color to the vehicle paint menu? so I can color all my vehicles as the true believer I am ;)
some internet sources say it's RGB : 135, 197, 245
Thanks a lot if you even just consider doing it
@lucasvinbr @daensmc
I like the idea of gangleaders, altough I would not put them in each zone (maybe by chance of 30%), but to make an option if a gang runs out of territory you get the option to do an assination (moving car with some bodyguards, or just a ped walking around, or even with fbi witness protection escort haha) of the gang leader/boss . only then the gang gets terminated
edit: a leaderboard (gang names and territory numbers they hold, could provide to be useful then)
can you please make the overall options saveable aswell?
Ambient spawning
and player turf wars
sometimes I forget to turn it off and lose turf cause doing missions or other stuff
great mod sofar! enjoying it