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    @mcal9909 It doesn't make sense that if the police catch you, they only take your ammo, drugs, and release you on bond fee. But you keep your guns when caught with drugs(extremely illegal in the US). But going to the hospital, and they can confiscate your weapons? lol

    12 Julai, 2021
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    @mcal9909 Arsenal. Not drugs/money. We went over this before. Like I said, if you die in a gang war, and they're outside the hospital, they will literally just sit there and shoot you continually, spawn camping you forever. And even if that wasn't the case, it makes it extremely hard to play this in combination with other mods, because you can't turn that factor off regardless. Sometimes, you'll die to someone, and the "robber" blip doesn't even show up, leaving you losing everything regardless. So there's nothing you can do about it. You lose all your guns.

    12 Julai, 2021
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    @mcal9909 Still think it would be dope to turn off at least losing your arsenal when you die in weird ways that don't lead back to a "robber" blip. The way this mod works with Gang and turf, it makes it really hard to go to war, or have a consistent means of weaponry to fight against the higher level gangs without losing everything you have, sometimes getting caught in a spawn loop at hospitals if the gangs are outside the hospital waiting for you.

    12 Julai, 2021
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    @lucasvinbr Would also be dope if you could specify just your gang to aggressive mode, either for cops or gangs separately. That way when I'm selling drugs with a mod like LS life in my territories, they will handle the police without drawing gangs in. They both work really well together, my only complaint is losing all your arsenal when you die because of LS life.

    12 Julai, 2021
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    @lucasvinbr My only current suggestion, if it's possible, when changing to take control of a gang member to roam around, when your main character is set to neutral, to still be able to shoot other gang members when controlling a ped gang member. I hate that I can't not only shoot my own gang members when dealing with issues, or to collect ammo in war, but it makes it pointless if I can't shoot opposing enemy gang members when I set my character to neutral in the options while taking control of a ped gang member. Not sure why this happens, but it makes it impossible to shoot, and only observe gang wars from an outside perspective.

    12 Julai, 2021
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    @lucasvinbr What is the standard gang radius size for some of these areas? Set at the minimum 10? For instance, it tells you the custum radius when setting one, but if I want to make different sets actual to the lore, then I'm trying to make more custom areas without overlapping.

    11 Julai, 2021
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    @danistheman262 Did you ever finish your NP 3.0 style house robbery mod?

    11 Julai, 2021
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    @mcal9909 was able to recover my save file thankfully. Everything else isn't that big of a deal now. But to let you know where the errors started. I'm using this with gang and turf. Somehow after selling out of my apartment, the game kept freezing, one of my female gang members came through the doorway to buy, then somewhere between the freezing, she got recruited from a random error between the mods. After leaving the building to sell outside, she followed me out, and I couldn't make her leave my group because I never manually recruited her. Finally I left her vicinity and was able to kill her(gang and turf mod doesn't allow you to shoot other members), right after that I can't say what exactly happened, but somewhere the game continually started pushing out errors/crashing, over and over.

    11 Julai, 2021
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    @mcal9909 I got hit with a script error earlier, that eventually crashed my game so hard, that was coming from LS life, it killed my HDD. Just wanted to let you know. It was probably inevitable at some point, but somehow the script error it pumped out, through my HDD for a hard crashing loop, and I havent recovered it yet. Lost all my game saves, thankfully had my mod file backed up. Not sure what else I had on the HDD other than games, so it's not the worst lost. Just sucks losing my main game save.

    11 Julai, 2021
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    @mcal9909 while it would be nice to have the option to turn this off in the INI for all 3 of these individually. I found out a way around it, by commandeering a gang member and taking control of them, I can leave Franklin behind in safety, and just fight all my wars with my soldiers, therefor keeping my drug dealers(for the most part), Franklins arsenal, money /drug stash safe. It's just not as dope as having the option to fight my gang wars as Franklin, seemingly the GSF leader in this current situation of my playthrough.

    07 Jun, 2021